Classification of pairs using likelihoods
Pedigree reconstruction with sequoia()
sometimes suffers
from high rates of non-assignment of true relatives (false negatives).
This is often because it cannot tell whether a pair are maternal or
paternal relatives, or it cannot tell what type of second degree
relatives they are. More information on this can be found here in the user
A fairly common situation is to have full sibling (FS), half sibling
(HS), or unrelated (U) as the only three plausible relationships among
the genotyped individuals, e.g. when nestlings are sampled but their
parents are not. Typically none of the half sibling pairs will be
assigned by sequoia()
, as it cannot tell whether they are
maternal or paternal half-siblings. When generations overlap, the
possibility that they are full avuncular or grandparental also remains
open genetically, even if this is biologically highly unlikely for
clutch mates (for most species).
In such a situation, the likelihoods to be FS, HS, and U are the only three that are relevant, but there is no good way during pedigree reconstruction to set the prior for all other relationships to zero (including e.g. full cousins) and to abandon the distinction between maternal and paternal relatives (only implemented for hermaphrodites).
Likelihood ratios
The function CalcPairLL()
lets you get ‘back to basics’
and returns the log10-likelihoods for various different relationships
for each of the specified pairs of individuals. The log10-likelihood
values in its output cannot be directly compared between pair: they
differ because their genotypes differ. The likelihood ratios
however are on a comparable scale between individuals, e.g. the ratio
between how likely it is to be full siblings versus half sibling, or
half sibling versus unrelated.
Comparisons between pairs should be done with caution: If pair A + B has a higher LLR(PO/U) than pair A + C, this does not necessarily make B a more likely parent of A than C. Both pairs may be parent-offspring (e.g. C parent of A, A parent of B), or B may actually be a full sibling (LLR(PO/U) > 0, but LLR(PO/FS) < 0).
Applicable to other relationships
Here the example of full siblings, half siblings and unrelated is
used, but one could also have a situation where parent and full
avuncular are the alternatives, or any other combination. Just keep in
mind that all 3rd degree relationships are piled together under the ‘HA’
category, and that when Complx='full'
all kinds of double
relationships are considered too.
With or without pedigree
The likelihood ratio full sibling vs unrelated (LR(FS/U)) between two individuals can be calculated ignorant of the pedigree, or conditional on it. The latter increases power if individual A already has siblings, as the calculated LR is between B being a full (or half) sibling of A and all A’s siblings, versus being unrelated to A’s sibling cluster. This is similar as to what happens during sibship clustering, except that instead of gradually building up sibship clusters, the sibling clusters are provided at initiation.
The caveat is that CalcPairLL()
does not check whether
the provided pedigree is a correct or even plausible pedigree. If some
of the supposed siblings of A are in fact unrelated, the LR between B
and A conditional on the incorrect pedigree becomes ambiguous and
virtually useless. It is therefore prudent to check and if necessary
trim a pedigree before conditioning on it (e.g. using
, or removing any inconsistencies between
genetic and field pedigree).
Here the approach will first be illustrated without conditioning on a pedigree, and then conditional on a pedigree.
Example data
To illustrate we use a single birth year cohort from the
example pedigree in the package. This pedigree has
discrete generations, and each generation 24 females mates with 2 males
each, and 16 males with 3 females each; each mating produces exactly 4
offspring. All founders are born in 2000, the parents for the 2001
cohort considered here are thus all simulated as unrelated.
This could for example be an egg-laying species were females have two broods per year, and 4 eggs/hatchlings per brood are sampled for genotyping. If egg dumping does not occur [^a], half-siblings within the same brood will always be maternal half-siblings, and half-siblings across different broods laid at the same time will be paternal half-siblings. With egg dumping, the puzzle becomes a bit more complicated but not necessarily impossible to solve
# looking at 2001 'hatchlings' only.
Ped.2001 <- Ped_HSg5[Ped_HSg5$id %in% LH_HSg5$ID[LH_HSg5$BirthYear <= 2001], ]
# total 192 individuals, across 24 dams x 16 sires
# simulate genetic data:
Geno.2001 <- SimGeno(Pedigree = Ped.2001,
ParMis = 1.0, # all parents non-genotyped
nSnp = 400, SnpError = 0.005)
Find pairs of likely relatives
To reduce computational time (and memory size of the output object), it is often a good idea to only calculate likelihoods for pairs that are somewhat likely to be related. In this moderately sized example with 192 genotyped individuals, there are \((192 \times 191)/2= 18336\) unique pairs. Even when every individual belongs to a sibship, most pairs of individuals are unrelated:
# matrix with type of relationship between each pair of individuals in a pedigree:
RelM <- GetRelM(Ped.2001)
# Note: GetRelM() adds entries for all parents, using PedPolish()
# removing those again...:
SampleIDs <- rownames(Geno.2001)
RelM <- RelM[match(SampleIDs, rownames(RelM)), match(SampleIDs, rownames(RelM))]
# each pair is included twice in the matrix: above & below the diagonal
## RelM
## FS HS S U
## 320 1088 96 16928
thus, 33856 of these pairs are unrelated (U), or 92%.
Subsetting pairs can be done based on field data (e.g. only check
within-nest, or among neighbouring nests), or based on the genetic data.
For the latter, use GetMaybeRel()
, optionally with a much
more liberal threshold than you would normally use.
# make mock lifehistory data for this example:
# all individuals same birth year + specifying non-overlapping generations
# ensures that parent-offspring, aunt/uncle, etc. are not considered as
# relationship alternatives.
LHX <- data.frame(id = rownames(Geno.2001),
Sex = 3,
BirthYear = 1)
AP <- MakeAgePrior(Discrete=TRUE, Plot=FALSE)
## Ageprior: Flat 0/1, discrete generations, MaxAgeParent = 1,1
MR <- GetMaybeRel(Geno.2001,
LifeHistData = LHX,
AgePrior = AP,
Module = "ped", # search for all kinds of relatives, not just parent-offspring
Complex = "simp", # don't consider double relationships etc
Err = 0.005,
Tassign = 0.1,
Tfilter = -5,
MaxPairs = 20 * nrow(Geno.2001))
## Searching for non-assigned relative pairs ... (Module = ped)
## Genotype matrix looks OK! There are 192 individuals and 400 SNPs.
## Counting opposing homozygous loci between all individuals ...
## Checking for non-assigned relatives ...
## Found 0 likely parent-offspring pairs, and 883 other non-assigned pairs of possible relatives
## ID1 ID2 TopRel LLR OH BirthYear1 BirthYear2 AgeDif Sex1 Sex2 SNPdBoth
## 1 b01009 a01010 FS 15.13 7 1 1 0 3 3 394
## 2 a01113 a01116 FS 14.73 7 1 1 0 3 3 394
## 3 b01089 b01091 FS 14.64 7 1 1 0 3 3 393
## 4 a01071 b01072 FS 14.33 4 1 1 0 3 3 392
## 5 a01123 b01124 FS 13.62 7 1 1 0 3 3 397
## 6 b01038 a01039 FS 13.60 7 1 1 0 3 3 392
The output from GetMaybeRel only shows the most likely relationship
(for these 6 it is full sibling (TopRel = FS
), and how much
more likely this is than the next-most-likely relationship (column
). It does not show what the next-most-likely
relationship is, or how much more likely these pairs are to be full
siblings versus unrelated. Some pairs may be about equally likely to be
full siblings as half-siblings, resulting in a low LLR, but it does not
show how much more likely both sibling categories are versus
Calculate likelihoods
PairLL <- CalcPairLL(data.frame(MR$MaybeRel[, c("ID1", "ID2")],
focal = "U"), # see help file for details
LifeHistData = LHX,
AgePrior = AP,
Complex = "simp",
Err = 0.005)
The upper-right panel (LLR(FS/U) vs LLR(HS/U)) shows that there are a large number of pairs in this dataset that are clearly full siblings (above diagonal), and a number that are likely half-siblings (blue dots), but also a substantial number that seem to be some kind of second or third degree relative but it is unclear how they are exactly related (yellow dots).
The difference between the likely half-siblings and ‘unclear’ is not obvious in the above plot, but comes about via the likelihood ratio between half-siblings versus third degree relative (see further).
For contrast, let’s also calculate likelihoods for a random set of pairs:
Pairs.random <- data.frame(ID1 = sample(SampleIDs, size=500, replace=TRUE),
ID2 = sample(SampleIDs, size=500, replace=TRUE),
focal = "U")
# exclude if by chance ID1 == ID2
Pairs.random <- Pairs.random[Pairs.random$ID1 != Pairs.random$ID2, ]
Pairs.random.LL <- CalcPairLL(Pairs.random,
LifeHistData = LHX,
AgePrior = AP,
Complex = "simp",
Err = 0.005, Plot=FALSE)
# plot only one panel, change assignment threshold
PlotPairLL(Pairs.random.LL, combo = list(c("HS", "FS")), Tassign=1.0)
For these random pairs, there is (usually) a clear divide between full siblings (above diagonal), half-siblings (below diagonal & LLR(HS/U)\(>0\)), and unrelated (LLR(HS/U)\(<0\)).
Likelihood ratios
Remember that
\log(A / B) = \log(A) - \log(B)
\] and that CalcPairLL()
returns log10-likelihood
values. Log-likelihood values are always negative, as likelihoods are
always between 0 and 1; positive values in the output are various types
of NA
(see help file).
PList <- list(maybesibs = PairLL,
random = Pairs.random.LL)
for (x in c("maybesibs", "random")) {
PList[[x]]$LLR.FS.U <- with(PList[[x]], ifelse(FS < 0, FS - U, NA))
PList[[x]]$LLR.HS.U <- with(PList[[x]], ifelse(HS < 0, HS - U, NA))
PList[[x]]$LLR.FS.HS <- with(PList[[x]], ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
PList[[x]]$LLR.HS.HA <- with(PList[[x]], ifelse(HS < 0 & HA < 0, HS - HA, NA))
par(mfcol=c(1,2), mai=c(.8,.8,.2,.2))
with(PList[["random"]], plot(LLR.FS.U, LLR.FS.HS, pch=16,
xlim = c(-45, 40), ylim=c(-35, 20),
col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.5))) # semi-transparant
with(PList[["maybesibs"]], points(LLR.FS.U, LLR.FS.HS, pch=16,
col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.5)))
abline(h=0, v=0, col=2) # horizontal & vertical axis
with(PList[["random"]], plot(LLR.FS.U, LLR.HS.HA, pch=16,
xlim=c(-45,40), ylim=c(-10,5),
col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.5)))
with(PList[["maybesibs"]], points(LLR.FS.U, LLR.HS.HA, pch=16,
col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.5)))
abline(h=0, v=0, col=2) # horizontal & vertical axis
These scatterplots are the similar to the ones before, but in the left panel LLR(FS/HS) is on the y-axis: those pairs more likely to be full sibling than half sibling have positive values, and the remaining pairs negative values; and analogous for LLR(HS/HA) in the right panel.
The panels show three distinct blobs: full sibling, half sibling, and
unrelated pairs. There are (usually) however also a number of points
in-between the blobs: pairs for which it is unclear how they are
related. For the pairs in-between the full- and half-sib blob, it is
clear that they are some kind of sibling, and definitely not unrelated;
but the pedigree reconstruction with sequoia()
has no way
to convert this information and leaves such a pair unassigned.
Comparing the two panels also shows that while the different likelihood ratios are all strongly correlated, they do convey slightly different information: the separation between full siblings and half siblings is clearer with LLR(FS/HS) (left panel y-axis), while the separation between half siblings and not-siblings is clearer with LLR(HS/HA) (right panel y-axis).
The distributions of likelihood ratios can also be visualised as a set of histograms:
# to draw multiple histograms in the same plot: calculate first, plot later
HistL_FSU <- list()
for (x in c("maybesibs", "random")) {
HistL_FSU[[x]] <- list()
for (y in c("LLR.HS.U", "LLR.FS.U", "LLR.FS.HS")) {
HistL_FSU[[x]][[y]] <- hist(PList[[x]][, y],
breaks=seq(-60, 60, by=0.5),
# pick some colours
COL <- c(maybesibs = adjustcolor("blue",alpha.f=0.4),
random = adjustcolor("black",alpha.f=0.4))
par(mfcol=c(1,3), mai=c(.9,.4,.4,.1))
for (y in c("LLR.HS.U", "LLR.FS.U", "LLR.FS.HS")) {
plot(1,1, type="n", main="", xlab=y, ylab="Count", las=1,
xlim = c(-25, 25), ylim=c(0,50))
abline(v=0, col=2)
for (x in c("maybesibs", "random")) {
plot(HistL_FSU[[x]][[y]], col=COL[x], border=NA, add=TRUE)
Again the distribution of LLR(FS/U) shows a fairly clear separation between full siblings (LLR(FS/U) > 10), half siblings (-15 < LLR(FS/U) < 10) and unrelated (LLR(FS/U) < -15), and is strongly correlated with LLR(FS/HS) (see scatterplot above). The main advantage of using LLR(FS/HS) to classify full vs half siblings is a practical one: the point of separation between the blobs (if there is one) will always be at 0. For LLR(HS/U), LLR(FS/U) and similar metrics the point of separation will vary between datasets with the number of SNPs, (assumed) genotyping error rate, allele frequencies, missingness, …, and a threshold would need to be estimated every time.
A heatmap may also be helpful to identify which pairs of relatives are likely to be full or half siblings. There are several ways to make a heatmap in R (none I find quite satisfactory), for example:
# using the first 20 individuals for this example
# make a dataframe with all pairwise combinations:
Pairs20 <- data.frame(ID1 = rep(SampleIDs[1:20], each=20),
ID2 = rep(SampleIDs[1:20], times=20))
Pairs20 <- Pairs20[Pairs20$ID1 != Pairs20$ID2, ]
Pairs20.LL <- CalcPairLL(Pairs20,
LifeHistData = LHX,
AgePrior = AP,
Complex = "simp",
Err = 0.005, Plot=FALSE)
Pairs20.LL$FS.HS <- with(Pairs20.LL, ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
# turn dataframe into a matrix
FSHS.M <- plyr::daply(Pairs20.LL, c("ID1", "ID2"), function(df) df$FS.HS[1])
# put the individuals back into their original order:
FSHS.M <- FSHS.M[SampleIDs[1:20], SampleIDs[1:20]]
brks <- c(-30, seq(-15, 15, by=0.5), 30) # group everything < -15 or >15 together
cols <- grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(brks)-1, palette = "viridis")
# image() is simple and flexible, but doesn't do a legend
image_legend <- function(x, legend, breaks, col, title = NULL) {
image(y=x, z=t(as.matrix(x)),
axes=FALSE, frame.plot=TRUE, breaks = breaks, col = col)
axis(side=4, at=legend, las=1, cex.axis=0.8)
axis(side=4, at=legend, labels=FALSE, tck=0.2)
axis(side=2, at=legend, labels=FALSE, tck=0.2)
mtext(title, side=3, line=0.5, cex=1.2)
layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow=1), widths=c(.8, .2))
image(x=t(FSHS.M), breaks=brks, col = cols,
axes = FALSE, frame.plot=TRUE,
xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.lab=1.2)
axis(side=1, labels=rownames(FSHS.M), at=seq(0,1,along.with=rownames(FSHS.M)), las=2)
axis(side=2, labels=colnames(FSHS.M), at=seq(0,1,along.with=colnames(FSHS.M)), las=2)
image_legend(x = seq(-20, 19.5, .5) +.25, # range of values
legend = seq(-16, 16, 2), # positions of legend labels
breaks = brks, col = cols, title = "LLR(FS/U)")
Buffer zone
While the expectation is that LLR(FS/HS) is positive for all
full sibling pairs and negative for all other pairs, this does not mean
that in imperfect real-world data all pairs will comply with this
expectation. The solution that sequoia()
implements is to
not make an assignment if the likelihood ratio ‘close’ to zero, with
‘close’ defined by the threshold Tassign
This may not be ideal in all situations, and you could apply a
different tactic when classifying individuals based on the
output (see next section). For example, if you
are sure based on other data that pairs are either full siblings or
maternal half-siblings and never paternal half-siblings (e.g. they are
litter mates), you could assign the maternal sibship but leave the
paternity open (perhaps with a note). Or if you are interested in
extra-pair paternity, you could be conservative and assign these as full
siblings to the rest of the brood (see also the next section, and the
section on conditioning on the
Tassign <- 1.0
plot(HistL_FSU[["maybesibs"]][["LLR.FS.HS"]], col="darkblue", border=NA,
xlim = c(-15, 15), ylim = c(0, 30), main=paste("Tassign =", Tassign),
abline(v=0, lwd=2, col=2)
rect(xleft=-Tassign, xright=+Tassign, ybottom=-5, ytop=40,
col=adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.5), border=NA)
Classifying pairs of individuals at a given assignment threshold
is straightforward:
Tassign <- 0.5
for (x in c("maybesibs", "random")) {
PList[[x]]$class <- with(PList[[x]],
ifelse(LLR.FS.HS > Tassign, "FS",
ifelse(LLR.HS.U > Tassign, "HS",
lapply(PList, function(df) table(df$class))
## $maybesibs
## FS HS
## 320 563
## $random
## FS HS U
## 8 29 462
Classifying sibling clusters is less straightforward, as the pairwise classifications are not necessarily consistent. For example, in the figure individuals A and B are highly likely to be full siblings, and so are A and C (at \(T_{assign}=0.5\)), but B and C are more likely to be half-siblings.

Example LLR(FS/HS) for a putative full sibling trio
The problem arises because the likelihoods of the three pairs are calculated independently of each other. During pedigree reconstruction, the problem is resolved by first assigning A and B as full siblings (which is unambiguous), and then calculating the likelihoods for C to be a full sibling vs half sibling to both A and B: Conditional on A and B being full siblings, C being a full sibling to one but not the other is not a valid pedigree configuration.
Conditioning on a pedigree
In datasets like this example, with a mixture of full- and
half-siblings and no genotyped parents, usually clustering of full
siblings is performed OK via sequoia()
, but none of the
half-siblings are assigned because it cannot tell whether they are
maternal or paternal half-siblings.
So, first run the sibship clustering. As we will condition on this pedigree in the subsequent steps, we are being extra cautious and increase the assignment threshold:
SeqOUT <- sequoia(Geno.2001, LifeHistData = LHX,
Err = 0.005, Tassign = 1.0,
Complex = "simp", Module="ped",
Plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
Relationship between individual & cluster
When you provide a pedigree to CalcPairLL()
, all
calculations will be conditional on this pedigree. This means it does
not matter if you calculate the likelihoods A–C or B–C in the trio
example; both will calculate the likelihoods of relationships between C
and the A–B sibling duo.
To illustrate:
# true pedigree, 2 broods from 1 female:
Ped.2001[which(Ped.2001$dam == "a00014"), ]
## id dam sire
## 41 a01001 a00014 b00011
## 42 a01002 a00014 b00011
## 43 b01003 a00014 b00011
## 44 b01004 a00014 b00011
## 225 a01185 a00014 b00008
## 226 a01186 a00014 b00008
## 227 b01187 a00014 b00008
## 228 b01188 a00014 b00008
Offspr_a14 <- Ped.2001[which(Ped.2001$dam == "a00014"), "id"]
# inferred pedigree:
SeqOUT$Pedigree[SeqOUT$Pedigree$id %in% Offspr_a14, ]
## id dam sire LLRdam LLRsire LLRpair OHdam OHsire MEpair
## 1 a01001 F0025 M0025 9.72 9.72 16.11 NA NA NA
## 2 a01002 F0025 M0025 10.38 10.38 18.18 NA NA NA
## 3 b01003 F0025 M0025 8.46 8.46 13.03 NA NA NA
## 4 b01004 F0025 M0025 8.29 8.29 13.99 NA NA NA
## 185 a01185 F0027 M0027 11.85 11.85 22.93 NA NA NA
## 186 a01186 F0027 M0027 10.75 10.75 15.00 NA NA NA
## 187 b01187 F0027 M0027 10.52 10.52 18.73 NA NA NA
## 188 b01188 F0027 M0027 10.57 10.57 19.48 NA NA NA
To reiterate: the maternal sibship is divided into two sets of full
siblings because sequoia()
has no way of telling whether
they share the same mother or the same father. This distinction can only
be made when some parents of known sex are genotyped and the sibships
interconnect: e.g. if male ‘b00008’ also mated with another female, who
in turn also mated with a genotyped male (see also section on low
assignment rate in main vignette).
Let’s calculate the likelihoods between the four members of the first
brood and the first member of the second brood. For a meaningful answer,
we temporarily drop both parents of the second individual
(dropPar2 = 'both'
): if two individuals have two different
sets of parents, they cannot be siblings conditional on those
parents. Now we calculate the likelihood that ‘a01185’ is a full
sibling of half sibling to all of the first brood; if we had chosen
we would calculate the likelihood of each
member of the first brood being FS, HS, .. to the second brood.
somePairs <- data.frame(ID1 = Offspr_a14[1:4],
ID2 = "a01185",
focal = "HS",
dropPar2 = "both") # drop parents of ID2
somePairs.LL <- CalcPairLL(somePairs, Geno.2001,
Pedigree = SeqOUT$Pedigree,
Err = 0.005, Plot=FALSE)
## ID1 ID2 Sex1 Sex2 AgeDif focal patmat dropPar1 dropPar2 PO FS
## 1 a01001 a01185 3 3 NA HS 1 none both 777 -325.10
## 2 a01002 a01185 3 3 NA HS 1 none both 777 -319.70
## 3 b01003 a01185 3 3 NA HS 1 none both 777 -322.90
## 4 b01004 a01185 3 3 NA HS 1 none both 777 -327.48
## 1 -294.02 -294.02 -294.02 -297.88 -304.80 2nd 3.86
## 2 -288.62 -288.62 -288.62 -292.47 -299.40 2nd 3.86
## 3 -291.81 -291.81 -291.81 -295.67 -302.60 2nd 3.86
## 4 -296.40 -296.40 -296.40 -300.26 -307.18 2nd 3.86
For each pair, the likelihoods to be half-siblings (HS), grand-parental (GP) or full avuncular (FA) will be identical – another common cause for non-assignment
Note again that values >0 in the output denote different kinds of
, and are listed in the help file. For the ‘PO’ column,
‘777’ denotes ‘impossible’: the individuals in the first column already
have a mother assigned in the pedigree that is conditioned upon, this
parent is not temporarily dropped to do the calculations
(dropPar = 'none'
), and an individual can only have one
mother. (the pair were also born in the same year and can therefore not
be parent and offspring, but this information is not used:
Likelihood ratios
The likelihoods differ between the pairs (because they have different genotypes), but the likelihood ratios do not (except due to rounding):
somePairs.LL$LLR.FS.HS <- with(somePairs.LL, ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
somePairs.LL$LLR.HS.U <- with(somePairs.LL, ifelse(HS < 0, HS - U, NA))
somePairs.LL$LLR.HS.HA <- with(somePairs.LL, ifelse(HS < 0 & HA < 0, HS - HA, NA))
somePairs.LL[, c("ID1", "ID2", "FS", "HS", "HA", "U", "LLR.FS.HS", "LLR.HS.U", "LLR.HS.HA")]
## 1 a01001 a01185 -325.10 -294.02 -297.88 -304.80 -31.08 10.78 3.86
## 2 a01002 a01185 -319.70 -288.62 -292.47 -299.40 -31.08 10.78 3.85
## 3 b01003 a01185 -322.90 -291.81 -295.67 -302.60 -31.09 10.79 3.86
## 4 b01004 a01185 -327.48 -296.40 -300.26 -307.18 -31.08 10.78 3.86
Compare these to the ratios when not conditioning on a pedigree:
somePairs.LL.noped <- CalcPairLL(somePairs, Geno.2001,
Err = 0.005, Plot=FALSE)
somePairs.LL.noped$LLR.FS.HS <- with(somePairs.LL.noped, ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
somePairs.LL.noped$LLR.HS.U <- with(somePairs.LL.noped, ifelse(HS < 0, HS - U, NA))
somePairs.LL.noped$LLR.HS.HA <- with(somePairs.LL.noped, ifelse(HS < 0 & HA < 0, HS - HA, NA))
somePairs.LL.noped[, c("ID1", "ID2", "FS", "HS", "HA", "U", "LLR.FS.HS", "LLR.HS.U", "LLR.HS.HA")]
## 1 a01001 a01185 -342.21 -336.25 -336.24 -343.75 -5.96 7.50 -0.01
## 2 a01002 a01185 -346.51 -336.58 -336.58 -341.57 -9.93 4.99 0.00
## 3 b01003 a01185 -341.18 -331.91 -331.83 -335.90 -9.27 3.99 -0.08
## 4 b01004 a01185 -345.27 -335.65 -335.65 -341.39 -9.62 5.74 0.00
Half-sibling clusters
For a pair of maternal half-siblings A and B, a third individual C
must be identically related to both, but only ‘at that side of the
family’: If C is a maternal grandmother to A, it is unavoidably also the
maternal grandmother of B. But if C is the paternal grandmother
of A, it could be unrelated to B. This distinction can be made via the
random pairs revisited
Calculating likelihoods for the same subset of pairs as before, now conditional on the inferred (partial) pedigree:
Pairs.random.LL.wPed <- CalcPairLL(Pairs = cbind(Pairs.random,
dropPar2 = "both"),
Pedigree = SeqOUT$Pedigree,
LifeHistData = LHX,
AgePrior = AP,
Complex = "simp",
Err = 0.005, Plot=FALSE)
Pairs.random.LL$LLR.FS.HS <- with(Pairs.random.LL,
ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
Pairs.random.LL.wPed$LLR.FS.HS <- with(Pairs.random.LL.wPed,
ifelse(FS < 0 & HS < 0, FS - HS, NA))
par(mfcol=c(1,2), mai=c(.8,.8,.2,.2))
hist(Pairs.random.LL$LLR.FS.HS, breaks=50, main="No pedigree")
hist(Pairs.random.LL.wPed$LLR.FS.HS, breaks=50, main="With pedigree")

Log10 likelihood ratios full sibling vs half sibling, calculated without pedigree (left) and conditional on a partial inferred pedigree (right). Note difference in scale on the x-axes.
Pros & cons
The main advantage of calculating likelihoods conditional on a pedigree is that the distinction between different relationships tends to become much clearer once you condition on at least one parent for either individual.
The main disadvantage is that if the pedigree you condition on is incorrect, there is no meaningful way to interpret the likelihoods.
Another disadvantage can be that computation is considerably slower
(order of magnitudes), making it more important to filter pairs first
using GetMaybeRel()