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First get a subset of SNPs which are as informative (high MAF, high call rate), reliable (low error rate), and independent (low LD) as possible. Ideally around 400 – 700 for full pedigree reconstruction; fewer are necessary for only parentage assignment, while more may be necessary with high levels of polygamy or inbreeding.

One possible tool to perform such subsetting of SNPs is PLINK using something like this (on the command line), with thresholds adapted to your particular dataset.

plink --file mydata --geno 0.1 --maf 0.3 --indep 50 5 2
plink --file mydata --extract --recodeA --out inputfile_for_sequoia

In addition you need a dataframe with the sex and birth/hatching year of as many individuals as possible, in arbitrary order.

Then, in R start with something similar to this, adapting the code to match your file names and guestimated genotyping error rate.

# read in genotype data if already coded as 0/1/2, with missing=-9:
Geno <- as.matrix(read.csv("mydata.csv", header=FALSE, row.names=1))
# read in many other input formats (not .vcf (yet)):
Geno <- GenoConvert(InFile = "mydata.ped", InFormat="ped")
# read in lifehistory data: ID-Sex-birthyear, column names ignored
# optional: minimum & maximum birth year, when not exactly known
LH <- read.table("LifeHistoryData.txt", header=T)
# duplicate check & parentage assignment (takes few minutes)
# (maximum number of sibship-clustering iterations = 0)
ParOUT <- sequoia(GenoM = Geno,  LifeHistData = LH_HSg5,
                  Module="par", Err=0.005,
                  quiet = FALSE, Plot = TRUE)
# inspect duplicates (intentional or accidental)
# compare assigned parents to field pedigree (check column order!)
FieldPed <- read.table("FieldPed.txt", header=T)
PC.par <- PedCompare(Ped1 = FieldPed[, c("id", "dam", "sire")],
                     Ped2 = ParOUT$PedigreePar)
# calculate Mendelian errors per SNP (works also w field pedigree)
stats <- SnpStats(Geno, ParOUT$PedigreePar)
MAF <- ifelse(stats[,"AF"] <= 0.5, stats[,"AF"], 1-stats[,"AF"])
# ..........................................................
# polish dataset: remove one indiv. from each duplicate pair
# & drop low call rate samples
# & drop SNPs with high error rate and/or low MAF
Geno2 <- Geno[!rownames(Geno),] 
Geno2 <- Geno2[, -which(stats[,"Err.hat"]>0.05 | MAF < 0.1)]
Indiv.Mis <- apply(Geno2, 1, function(x) sum(x == -9)) / ncol(Geno2)
Geno2 <- Geno2[Indiv.Mis < 0.2, ]
# check histograms for sensible thresholds, iterate if necessary
# run full pedigree reconstruction (may take up to a few hours)
# including re-run of parentage assignment
SeqOUT <- sequoia(GenoM = Geno2,
                  LifeHistData = LH_HSg5,
                  Module = "ped",
                  Err = 0.001)
# inspect assigned parents, proportion dummy parents, etc.
# (see Example 1 for saving results)