Count Generations
For each individual in a pedigree, count the number of generations since its most distant pedigree founder.
- Ped
dataframe, pedigree with the first three columns being id - dam - sire. Column names are ignored, as are additional columns.
- StopIfInvalid
if a pedigree loop is detected, stop with an error (TRUE, default) or return the Pedigree, to see where the problem(s) occur.
A vector with the generation number for each individual, starting at
0 for founders. Offspring of G0 X G0 are G1, offspring of G0 X G1 or G1 x
G1 are G2, etc. NA
indicates a pedigree loop where an individual is
its own ancestor (or that the pedigree has >1000 generations).
If no output name is specified, no results are returned, only an error message when the pedigree contains a loop.
To get more details about a pedigree loop, you can use
See also
GetAncestors, GetDescendants
to get all
ancestors resp. descendants of a specific individual (with a warning if it
is its own ancestor); FindFamilies to find connected sub-pedigrees.
# returns nothing if OK, else error:
# returns vector with generation numbers:
G <- getGenerations(SeqOUT_griffin$Pedigree, StopIfInvalid=FALSE)
table(G, useNA='ifany')
#> G
#> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#> 36 20 18 18 14 12 22 22 5
Ped_plus_G <- cbind(SeqOUT_griffin$Pedigree, G)